The KinderGarden Chef Andrea

Thursday 1 December 2011


Kindness is something that we all have to give and it is something that we all need.  There isn't a person who can say that they can live without it.  It is like water; we need it to survive.  Why so, you might add?  Well, just think about going to work everyday and your manager always said something that was tackey or jokingly said something negative about you.  Or, any other person for that matter.
Kindness is always in season, always needed and if we can't give kindness; then we are lacking in our personal growth.  Kindness can give another soul, hope; why not give another human that? 
Kindness is never out of style!

Different Acts of Kindness

There are many ways to be kind to someone.  It really should not take a lot of practice; it should be something within our life that is natural.  After all, we should realize that we all need this act of compassion.  We can never have too much Kindness.
Kindness is compassion-  if we can't feel compassion for another soul, it seems that we are lacking in our ability to see another person's feelings in any certain situation.  From study, it is part of emotional intelligence (EI); seeing the needs of others and to be a successful manager; one must be able to be compassionate and see the needs of others.
Kindness is consideration- why do we consider what the manager thinks?  We do so because the manger determines our salary increase and we pay attention to them, regardless of what they have to say....we don't make waves.  Why, would be not be that considerate to others?
Kindness is thoughtfulness- being thoughtful to others is not a weakness; it is a strength and in fact all acts of kindness fall into being a highly emotionally stable individual.  When we stop to be thoughtful of others, we are giving away something to someone else which might just lift that soul out of despair.  Thoughtfulness means we are not totally obsessed without ourselves only.
Kindness is understanding-  when someone throws us a curve, the first thing most of us want to do, it throw it back.  Why, not step back, review what has been said or done and try understanding why it was said or done.  It could be that the producer of the curve; has had the worst day of their have probably done the same thing on one of your days....we should try to understand, more often.
Kindness is goodness-  if we are seeking to be individuals who inspire others, there must be some goodness within us.  If we aren't good; we will reap the benefit of being otherwise just like any other selfish trait.  If we seek goodness in others, we are apt to find it; there is something worthwhile in all of us, it just may be hidden.
Kindness is tolerance- which is open-mindedness.  If we keep an open mind about the people we share our life with, work or play...we find ways to try to understand another soul instead of being judgemental. 
Kindness is grace-  and grace means we have balance.  Balance means of course that we are pretty much in harmony with ourselves and others.  Wouldn't it be nice to possess all of these qualities and live our life with total harmony.  Life would be so much simpler.
All of these meanings flow to the same ending of being emotionally stable individuals.  Kindness is always something that can be given without having to cost us anything.  It is free to give and free to receive and it is one of the most important attributes one can possess.

Kindness Quotes

 "Today I bent the truth to be kind, and I have no regret, for I am far surer of what is kind than I am of what is true."  - Robert Brault
"If you haven't any charity in your heart, you have the worst kind of heart trouble."  - Bob Hope
"Never look down on anybody unless you're helping him up." - Jesse Jackson
"It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice."  - Author Unknown
"If you want others to be happy, practice compassion.  If you want to be happy, practice compassion."  -- Dalai Lama
"Don't be yourself - be someone a little nicer."  -- Mignon McLaughlin
"Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see."   - Mark Twain

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