The KinderGarden Chef Andrea

Monday 21 November 2011

Something I wrote for cefa

How Families Can Promote the Love of Good Food, Simply Because it is Good
(and use hidden vegetables as a bonus)

by cefa™ Chef Andrea Hoblak

I believe that a lifelong love of valuable nutrients and whole foods, should be nurtured from childhood.

Hiding vegetables in recipes is something families have been doing for years, and while this may be a good way to ensure that your family gets the nutrition their bodies need, it does nothing to teach them to love food that is good for them. 

We must show off the vegetables! They are so beautiful.Children love learning & naming new things.  Teach them what an eggplant is.  What asparagus, avocado, and artichokes are!  If we only hide veggies, we rob our children the opportunity to learn to love what is good for them. 

Vegetables should be present at each meal

Offer healthy home-made dips that compliment the veggies, children love dipping

Offer variety, and experiment with fresh, steamed, baked, and sauteed veggies.  Sometimes children will love a vegetable in one of its states and not the others.

Allow children to choose some that they prefer, and others that they do not enjoy.  There are so many different varieties to choose from that it is okay for them to have one or two that they don’t like.  Power struggles can be minimized by validating children’s preferences.

Go ahead and hide the veggies, but this is ON TOP of offering them whole.  It is insurance.

Let children help with choosing the vegetable at the grocery store.  Saying something like “which carrot looks like it will be the yummiest” can be remembered when pulling that carrot out of the fridge.  Your child can help choose which dip to put it with, or which veggies to add to the salad.  Let them have a say, and get them involved!

Finally, lead by example.  If your go-to snack is a bag of chips or a chocolate bar, this sends them the message that this is what is appropriate!

I look forwards to sharing with you again,
cefa™ Chef Andrea

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