The KinderGarden Chef Andrea

Thursday 24 November 2011

Did you know?

Dark Chocolate
Your cravings for chocolate may be related to nutritional deficiencies - that chocolate may actually be able to restore. No need to feel guilty about giving in to your craving, you could be doing your body a world of good by balancing neurotransmitters (serotonin and dopamine) involved in mood regulation. Additionally, chocolate is an excellent source of magnesium and rich in antioxidants. To get the most health benefits from chocolate without the added sugar is by sticking to the dark chocolates.
But here’s the best part. A study has shown that mothers who consumed chocolate regularly were less affected by stress and had infants with more positive temperaments. So it may be easier on your conscience if you’re not just helping yourself by eating that’s for the kids!
Tomatoes contain the antioxidant lycopene which supports good bone health. To get the most nutrients out of your tomatoes it is best to cook them. This breaks down the cellulose fibre in the plants and enables the digestive system to absorb nutrients which are bound to the tough fibre.
Tomatoes are not the only fruit related to bone health. Increasing your overall fruit and vegetable intake is also associated with higher bone mineral density.
Broccoli contains more Vitamin C than an orange and is rich in a number of anti-cancer molecules.
To receive the most benefit from your broccoli, cook it fast with little water. Boiling your broccoli leads to a loss of many water soluble nutrients especially folate so stir frying or steaming is a much healthier alternative.
Viewed as "the food of the Gods” by the Romans, mushrooms, were a highly valued vegetable in ancient societies.
It’s no wonder that today scientists still see mushrooms as food with powerful health benefits. Not only are mushrooms a great immune system boosters (because of a molecule know as lentinian), but multiple studies have also demonstrated benefits for cancer patients that have been given mushroom extracts.
While mushrooms contain 80-90% water they also pack a punch of beneficial nutrients. They are a good source of potassium, riboflavin, niacin and selenium.
Believe it or not parsley is not just a garnish. Parsley, meaning “rock celery” in Greek is a nutritional powerhouse herb. It is an excellent source of Vitamin A, C and K and a good source of iron and folate.
While garlic may be known for causing bad breath, and while that may be true, bad breath may be worth the benefits as it truly a “wonder food" for your body. During WWII, garlic was called the “Russian penicillin” and was used to treat wounds. Research has found that garlic is active against a broad spectrum of bacteria, viruses, parasites and fungi and has been shown to fight antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria.
When garlic is crushed or chopped, it allows for the activation of potent anti-cancer compounds, and also produces garlic’s characteristic smell. This process is inactivated however by heat.To get the most nutritional value out of your garlic, let it stand for 10-15 minutes after chopping or crushing before heating. This process will allow for a series of chemical reactions and the activation of a key enzyme for maximum health benefits.....
Nuts are such an easy snack and a rich source of many heart healthy nutrients such as Vitamin E, B vitamins and beneficial fats. A recent review found that consuming just a small handful of nuts (1oz) more than five times a week reduces the risk of coronary heart disease by 35%.
If you are concerned about nuts being fatty, despite having a high fat content, nuts are not associated with weight gain. There are population studies that indicate that those who consume nuts frequently have a lower body mass index.
Oregano is the herb with the highest anti-oxidant activity (which helps protect our cells from damage). Usually anti-oxidants are boasted about in fruits and veggies, but oregano is quite a good contender in this arena. For example, one tablespoon of fresh oregano provides the same level of antioxidants as an apple.

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