The KinderGarden Chef Andrea

Saturday 11 October 2014

The Kinder-Garden Chef Recipes full of nutrition from my heart to yours

The Kinder-Garden Chef  
Recipes full of nutrition from my heart to yours

Create menu then create grocery list
Monday:      Veggie turkey Chili topped with quinoa
Notes: make enough chili to have for lunch the next day

Tuesday:     Lemon Chicken with  Greek Roasted potatoes and Salad
Notes: Buy pita or wraps to fill with chicken and salad for tomorrow’s lunch on the go

Wednesday:     Veggie Lasagna with Tossed Salad
Notes:  Make one extra lasagna to freezer,  when you are tired and stressed out one day you will be so thankful to have dinner ready to go, just pull lasagna out of the freezer and bake. There you have it! One less thing to worry about except for the pile of laundry that needs to be folded lol. Buy extra vegetables for Friday’s minestrone soup.

Thursday:      Salsa Chicken over wild rice
Notes: Serve salsa chicken over wild rice or quinoa. You can also serve salsa chicken inside of taco shells. This recipe is a crowd pleaser,  even that fussy eater will love it! I wasn’t meaning your children lol husbands and boyfriends can be pretty picky too!

Friday:     Minestrone Soup
Nothing better than homemade soup! This soup recipe is super easy and super healthy!! Children love making too!! If you have little ones it’s nice to get them  to practice chopping the easy vegetables to cut like mushrooms and zucchini. This soup can be stored in a container for  Saturday’s lunch along with Zucchini grilled cheese for the perfect lunch!!

Saturday:    Grilled zucchini and cheese melts
Notes: Grilled cheese is a comfort food for many especially when you are creating lots of comforting memories making them with your little ones. Kids love grating the zucchini and cheese for this recipe, true crowd pleaser!                                                           
                  Kale Banana mango smoothie a fun and healthy treat!!

Sunday:  Baking day!  Anything goes muffins and Banana Bread
Notes: Baking with helpers is a great way to teach your children how measure out the  ingredients and learn some good math skills by counting, adding and fractions  It might take a little bit longer in the kitchen baking with children always does. When you take the time to teach them and create special memories in the kitchen your children will truly cherish the memory for many years to come. I know I sure have! I will never forget helping my mom in the kitchen.

When cooking always think one step ahead of the next step. Plan your weeks meals and menu a head of time, write a list and stick to it. Do one big shop at the beginning of the week. Use ingredients for more than just one recipe. Freeze your meet into portions in zip locks  for the week. Shop for bigger dry goods, like pasta, rice, flour, tomato sauce. Stores like Superstore or Costco are great for none perishable ingredients . Shop at produce markets with your children on the weekend for something fun to do. It is also a great way to teach your children how to shop for healthy ingredients. Teach them the health benefits at the same time while you walk through all the produce market.  Try to stay away from the store in the week. One big shop should help you with that. 

For those who didn't attend my work shop and would love to have this menu of recipes for the week as well as a grocery shopping list you can have it sent to you in a PDF file for 10 dollars 

if you are intersed contact me at

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