The KinderGarden Chef Andrea

Thursday 16 October 2014

Making chowmein with the little ones at the ARC

Chopping, stir frying and preparing  meals is a great life tool to teach little ones. When they are young it can be a little bit of a challenge to say the least just to get them to sit in one spot lol without them  running around goofing off. The kids tend to do that until I can get their attention with letting them get their hands into some healthy ingredients. It really is so cute to see the gratification on their little faces when they see what they have made almost all by themselves. I often  pray that they will have fun and that God will help me to know how to make it a great experience  for them. It is important to me that cooking is a fun experience for kids. I am thankful that it was actually a great turn out! The kids loved the take out boxes that were so kindly given to me from the Sushi restaurant. The children also loved eating with chop sticks. I always make the  kids all try  vegetable before they chopped them. I love to see how they actually like trying all the different veggies I give them. Our fun fact was about leeks. They didn't know leeks were from the Lilly flower family. Between the little boy who wouldn't listen to me and almost got like 3 time outs and the poor guy who cut is finger that I had to bandage up. All the while trying to  keep the class still entertained and organized with their cooking I have to say it is a crazy but very rewarding task. Thank you God for giving me the strength to teach this crazy fun energetic group of little chefs.

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