The KinderGarden Chef Andrea

Wednesday 29 October 2014

My dream come ture video with Olive

 This video is a dream come true! I have many visions and dreams for my career and having a video shoot to promote my book was one of them.  I wanted to thank this sweet little girl Olive for being  a part of this video with me!! I have had the blessing of knowing Olive from where I used to work as a Kindergarten Chef. I always knew there was something really special about Olive, every time I would cook with the children and do little Chefs she just seemed to have this natural gift with cooking. I wanted to create my cook book for children to create memories in the kitchen cooking like I did growing up. I want to thank Pollux for filming this video and for capturing some really speical moments with Olive at the market. Thank you to Hamilton Farms for letting us shoot this video, picking produce and flowers was so much fun! This was a very special day in my life. I feel so blessed to share my heart and story with all of you!

For those interested in purchasing my cook book in hard copy it goes for 30 dollars
For PDF file recipes sent to you by email 15

Monday 27 October 2014

Veggie Lasagna made in minutes

Vegetable packed lasagna
step 1
dice vegetables, zucchini, pepper, onion, egg plant, season with salt and pepper and saute in a pan with a little vegetable oil. Saute for about 5 minutes.
Step 2
bring large pot of boiling water to a boil, boil pasta according to package. Strain and rinse under water to remove the starch.

Step 3 layer vegetables and noodles with your favorite tomato sauce as well as  mozzarella cheese. Sprinkle a little Italian seasoning over top with some salt and pepper.

Step 4 bake at 350 for 15-20 minutes


Sunday 26 October 2014

Sunday School Cooking Making Yummy Salad and Dressing

Today making salad with the little ones was pretty cute!!

As they walk in you can see they are trying to figure it out what we are going to make together. When  I told them we were going to be making salad and dressing some of them got excited, maybe that's because I said it in a really exciting voice, and some didn't buy it lol. There is always one in the group who doesn't really like anything and they don't hold back on telling you that lol. Most of the children were actually really happy tearing their lettuce picking out their favorite vegetables and  preparing the dressing. The little comments are so sweet! I love hearing of all the vegetables they like and don't like, I always say just try it once and if you don't like it it's okay we don't all like the same things and it's good not to push them to like something if they really don't. I started making the dressing and asked them all where honey comes from they all said all at once from bees with excitement! I asked them if they wanted to try the honey, they all did so on each little finger I dotted a little honey and asked them what they thought. The children all replied "That's yummy" Then I wanted them to try sour too from the lemon so they tried the lemon and with funny faces they said "That's so sour." Then they tried the sea salt, they seemed to all really like the salt lol. I showed them where the pumpkin seeds came from with a little pumpkin. We used the seeds to sprinkle on top of the salad, they really liked that! Each child then poured some olive oil into the jar and the rest of our ingredients to make our dressing. I blended it all up and poured over their cute little salad plates for them to try. The kids all clapped and said yay!! I love seeing kids start off saying no to eating vegetables and at the end smiling and enjoying their salads and healthy creations. To me it's not what you make with kids that matters as much as how much fun you make it. I want children to have good memories around vegetables not ones of being pressured to eat something they don't like. At the end of the day if they make it, trust me they will probably like it even if it is a salad and not chocolate cookies. The message on the bottom of the recipe is  to tie in with the honey from the dressing from one my favorite verses because it is so true.
Gods word is so full and so satisfying like honey.
Our kind pure words towards others are as well sweeter then honey when said from the heart!

"How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter then honey to my mouth!"
Psalm 119:103

Honey Dijon Dressing
1/4 cup of dijon mustard
1/2 cup of honey
1/3 cup cider vinegar
2/3 cup olive oil
1 tbsp of fresh chopped parsley
1 tsp of salt
1 tsp of pepper
1 tsp of minced garlic
Blend with a hand held blender and store in a mason jar

1 bunch of kale chopped
1 bunch of spinach leaves
1/2 a cucumber diced small
1/4 cup of pumpkin seeds
1 carrot grated
1/4 cup of grated purple cabbage
1 cup of diced cherry tomatoes 

Toss altogether and enjoy!

Catering for a 30th Birthday with the lovely Sue Wiebe

Tonight was a special 30th Birthday celebration for a very special guy that was put on as a surprise from his vary lovely family. Sue Weibe who is an amazing caterer  asked me to come along with her. It was so wonderful working with her and talking to her. You really can learn so much from Chef's like her who have been doing their work for such a long time. I have had lots of  experience with catering for all kinds of events with Maryse Taggart who is an amazing Chef who taught me so much. Sue and I  were sharing stories of how there is something really special about being invited into a families home for an event like a wedding, a birthday party, an anniversary for any special occasion. When you are there you pick up on all those special moments and you get to see so many beautiful families share laughter and enjoy each other all around the wonderful food that you make them. Catering is a funny thing both Sue and I were saying  that when you do an event you are putting your work out there and it is a reflection of you. So when you are a Chef you will go that extra mile, by shopping all over just to find the right grocery items, you will stand on your feet all day preparing and do, everything you can just to make it perfect. By the end of the evening when all the food has been sent out, the dishes are cleaned up and the car is almost all loaded, you get to take a deep breath because you just remembered you haven't really beendo a lot of breathing the whole time your just go go go lol. When you do tan event you get to  see the smiles on everyone's faces with the look of contentment of the meal that you have provided it makes it pretty worth it just to hear someone say that " the food tasted amazing! "Wow thank you and we couldn't have done it with out you". it feels pretty good! When you are a Chef or an artist and creator of any kind offering your services some times the greatest reward isn't the money it's hearing that your clients enjoyed themselves and loved what you could provide them with your God given gift. Sue was saying this and I am totally a huge believer in what she said. She said" God gives us all a gift and you have to use it, your don't your soul will soul feels it and it hurts. To use your gift to cook for people and to be a part in celebrating with beautiful people just like the family last night feels pretty special!! One of the best moments is always the speech, one brother said one to the birthday brother some pretty kind words and it was very touching. I'm often reminded of my family when I see other families enjoying each other and of how blessed I am to have people in my life to celebrate those special moments with. Food is always the focal point and when their is lots of love in the room for an event that makes up for a truly special combination. If you love to cook and sharing your creations fuels your soul then God gave you a gift and if all you need to hear was that was amazing after someone tries what you made them then you really are a Chef. Chefs are crazy sometimes, we will almost work just to hear those simple words lol, That was Amazing!!

Thank you to the lovely family for inviting us into your home it was a pleasure watching you enjoy each other over Sue's amazing food creations

                                                                Sue hard at work carving

Mushroom and Thyme Baguettes with micro greens
Crab Cakes with Chipotle Basil Aioli 
Herb Roasted Prime Rib of Beef 
Maderina Sauce    Hordradish cream
Potato and Fennel Gratin 
Asparagus with Panko Anchovry crumble 
Artisian bread wit hSweet Butter 
Mango Lychee Crumble with Vanilla Bean Cream 
Chocolate Salted Carmel Tart with Crisp pearls

Monday 20 October 2014

My cook book for just 15 dollars online

If you are trying to find some healthy kid friendly recipes that the whole family will love well your in luck! My cook book is filled with lots of recipes to satisfy your body and soul with the kind messages that  I have written for you to enjoy!

Recipes from
my famous veggie vegan brownies
sauerkraut to heal your tummy
good morning greens smoothie recipe
My moms amazing greek roasted potatoes
yummy banana bread
and so many more nourishing tasty recipes.

If you would like to order the printed version for 30 dollars or the emailed pdf version for 15 dollars let me know by contacting me at

The Kinder-Garden Chef Recipes full of nutrition from my heart to yours


The Kinder-Garden Chef  
Recipes full of nutrition from my heart to yours

Create menu then create grocery list
Monday:      Veggie turkey Chili topped with quinoa
Notes: make enough chili to have for lunch the next day

Tuesday:     Lemon Chicken with  Greek Roasted potatoes and Salad
Notes: Buy pita or wraps to fill with chicken and salad for tomorrow’s lunch on the go

Wednesday:     Veggie Lasagna with Tossed Salad
Notes:  Make one extra lasagna to freezer,  when you are tired and stressed out one day you will be so thankful to have dinner ready to go, just pull lasagna out of the freezer and bake. There you have it! One less thing to worry about except for the pile of laundry that needs to be folded lol. Buy extra vegetables for Friday’s minestrone soup.

Thursday:      Salsa Chicken over wild rice
Notes: Serve salsa chicken over wild rice or quinoa. You can also serve salsa chicken inside of taco shells. This recipe is a crowd pleaser,  even that fussy eater will love it! I wasn’t meaning your children lol husbands and boyfriends can be pretty picky too!

Friday:     Minestrone Soup
Nothing better than homemade soup! This soup recipe is super easy and super healthy!! Children love making too!! If you have little ones it’s nice to get them  to practice chopping the easy vegetables to cut like mushrooms and zucchini. This soup can be stored in a container for  Saturday’s lunch along with Zucchini grilled cheese for the perfect lunch!!

Saturday:    Grilled zucchini and cheese melts
Notes: Grilled cheese is a comfort food for many especially when you are creating lots of comforting memories making them with your little ones. Kids love grating the zucchini and cheese for this recipe, true crowd pleaser!                                                           
                  Kale Banana mango smoothie a fun and healthy treat!!

Sunday:  Baking day!  Anything goes muffins and Banana Bread
Notes: Baking with helpers is a great way to teach your children how measure out the  ingredients and learn some good math skills by counting, adding and fractions  It might take a little bit longer in the kitchen baking with children always does. When you take the time to teach them and create special memories in the kitchen your children will truly cherish the memory for many years to come. I know I sure have! I will never forget helping my mom in the kitchen.

When cooking always think one step ahead of the next step. Plan your weeks meals and menu a head of time, write a list and stick to it. Do one big shop at the beginning of the week. Use ingredients for more than just one recipe. Freeze your meet into portions in zip locks  for the week. Shop for bigger dry goods, like pasta, rice, flour, tomato sauce. Stores like Superstore or Costco are great for none perishable ingredients . Shop at produce markets with your children on the weekend for something fun to do. It is also a great way to teach your children how to shop for healthy ingredients. Teach them the health benefits at the same time while you walk through all the produce market.  Try to stay away from the store in the week. One big shop should help you with that. 

Lasting words from the KinderGarden Chef
Be creative and have fun cooking my recipes from the heart! I am so blessed for all of you who attended my work shop meal planning 101. I truly hope my work shop and recipes will help you and your family to enjoy wonderful meals together all the while having fun in the kitchen together.

If you are interested in the recipes and grocery list to this menu  for 10 dollars I will send it to you in a pdf file.  contact me at

Sunday Morning Pancakes

Do you think you can be a big helper and measure out the flour and stir the batter? It’s good to be a good helper in the kitchen

1 ¼ cup whole wheat flour  
1 ¼ cup of ground flax
1/3 cup coconut sugar or brown sugar
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 cups vanilla almond milk
1/4 cup applesauce
1 large egg, lightly beaten
Cooking spray
1/2 cup golden raisins
1/2 cup coarsely chopped walnuts, divided
1/4 cup maple syrup
Lightly spoon the flours into dry measuring cups; level with a knife. Combine flours,  and next 4 ingredients, in a large bowl, stirring with a whisk. Combine milk, applesauce, and egg in a medium bowl, stirring until well blended. Add milk mixture to flour mixture, stirring until well combined. Let batter stand 5 minutes.
Heat a non-stick griddle or skillet over medium heat; coat pan with cooking spray. Pour about 1/4 cup batter per pancake onto pan; sprinkle each with 2 teaspoons raisins and 2 teaspoons walnuts. Cook 1 minute or until tops are covered with bubbles and edges look cooked. Carefully turn pancakes over, and cook 1 minute or until bottoms are lightly browned. Repeat procedure with remaining batter, raisins, and walnuts. Serve with fresh fruit for a yummy breakfast.

Add anything you like to these healthy pancakes, like raspberries, bananas, pureed pumpkin. Be creative and have fun making these delicious pancakes with someone you love.