The KinderGarden Chef Andrea

Wednesday 4 January 2012

When you seek the good in others you will find it and if you seek the faults in others you will find it, it's up to us to choose what we want to seek in the people around us. It is easy judge someone off the bat when you meet someone for the first time we all have a tendency to do that. Everyone of us has had different life experiences that have shaped us to be who we are today good or bad. Unless we have walked in everyone's shoes we can't really understand why some people are the way they are, we just need to give each other a chance and treat people the way we would want to be treated. Looking at the heart is truly the best  thing we can do because we are seeking the good and ignoring the bad. Each one deserves to share their story and to be heard with out being judged for something that wasn't even true. Others opinions and words of who we are, even if they're  not true have such a big impact on how we view our selves,  mean words can stay with us and still hurt us even if it has been a long time. Don't let people bring you down because they didn't take the time to look at your heart before they offended you and judged you, they don't know your story .Take the lesson in that and don't call someone down if you don't even know their heart and their story. Today do something kind for someone just because and  it  will brighten that person's  day and yours too. Just a simple act of kindness can go a long way trust me!

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