The KinderGarden Chef Andrea

Wednesday 7 January 2015

My one week gluten free dairy free meal plan for only 5 dollars

These days we are all struggling with different kinds of allergies from our  environment and mostly our food. Gluten seems to be a big topic these days. There can be some confusion around a gluten free diet. Sometimes when we try to eat more gluten free products we end up eating more sugar and other ingredients that we might not even know what they are. When thinking about eating a gluten free diet think of what is all ready naturally gluten free. For example an apple plain and simple snack with a little peanut butter is totally gluten free. The tricky thing avoiding foods with gluten is that they are highly addicting and are hard to avoid even sauces we use in our dishes can have hidden gluten. Make sure to get your testing done but don't for get that instolerance are very common more actually then being diagnosed with actual  disease. Just listen to your body when you eat something that doesn't feel so good after you eat, do your best to avoid it for a little while and then do the elimination as you go. Diary intolerance problems are becoming more and more common as well! When choosing different options for dairy try making your own almond milk. Sometimes the rice milk and almond milk you buy has other ingredients that you don't really want to be drinking. Some rice milks have canola oil and extra sugar in them.  Children who are suffering from allergies to foods they most likely are allergic to canola oil. Y

ou could be helping your child with taking out the dairy however you might be still feeding them foods that they will react too. GMO ingredients are hard to avoid that is for sure. We still have to treat ourselves to the treats and foods we like it's just good to be aware of somethings in our everyday foods that might not be as healthy as we think they are.

I am creating a meal plan for 1 week of
7 breakfasts
7 lunches
7 dinners
7 snacks

that are completely gluten and dairy free for only 5 dollars.
with this simple meal plan
I will also provide my support and advice by phone or email for any questions you may have on the recipes or on healthy facts.

I am taking deposits for the meal plan through email to
I then will send you the meal plan along side my online support for any questions you may have.

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