The KinderGarden Chef Andrea

Wednesday 25 February 2015

Chocolate banana avocado pudding

Prep Time: 10 Minutes
Ready In: 1 Hour 10 Minutes
Servings: 6

2  ripe avocado, peeled and pitted
4 very ripe bananas
1 tsp of vanilla
1 tbsp of ground flax mixed with 2 tbsp of water
1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder,
plus more for garnish
Place avocados, bananas, and cocoa powder, vanilla and mixed flax and water  in a blender; puree until smooth.
Pour pudding into serving bowls and sprinkle additional cocoa powder on top for garnish.
Chill in refrigerator for texture and flavor to develop, at least 1 hour.
Strawberry Banana Frozen Yogurt 

3 cups of frozen strawberries
1 cup of vanilla yogurt
1 frozen banana
1 tsp of vanilla
Blend in a blender until smooth and creamy

I love teaching these children, they make all the prep and hard work so worth the while. I love how excited they get when they find out what we are making each class. When I told them our pudding was going to made with avocado some of the looks I got were pretty funny! I told them just trust me we will make it really yummy!! Thank you to Maureen for providing me with some raw cacao powder that really did make our chocolate pudding so delicious. When we blended up our pudding and tried it the kids were so surprised with how good it was. I like to teach them about the benefits of each ingredient. I get the kids to play this memory game with me and I say the ingredient and they have to remember what it does for their body. It's a great way to teach kids how to make good choices when you teach them of the benefit of each item has as they walk through the grocery store with you. I used a real vanilla bean and opened it up for them to see all the little tiny black specks inside. Some of the kids never have even seen one before. There is this one little girl that likes to write me little thank you cards and I can't even say of how much I value that! I love writing cards for people of appreciation and to have that from such a sweet little girl like her really melts my heart. Making healthy treats today was lots of fun and very heart warming. Thank you kids for making my job so enjoyable

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