The KinderGarden Chef Andrea

Saturday 29 December 2012

Guilt-Gluten Free start to your day!

Start by Poaching 2 egg, season with salt and pepper 
Slice some avocados
Toast some gluten free toast
finely chop some basil
butter toast 

top toast with egg, sprinkle some
Parmesan cheese on top and broil in the oven for 2 minutes
top toast with avocado and finely chopped basil.

Colossians 3:14
And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity. (NIV)

My Vitamin C-YA Later Flu Salad


During this time of year we are all going to face a good flu or two right!
This salad I came up with is packed with lots of vitamin C, that should help you fight that flu or cold.

Sliced Red onion
Slivered almonds  V-C rich food
peeled and diced oranges  V-C rich food
Spinach rich in iron
diced dates 
Slice avocado wedges rich in omega 3 fatty acids

Yogurt dressing V-C rich food
1/4 cup of plain yogurt
2 tbsp of grainy mustard
1 tsp of curry powder - Antioxidant rich spice
2 tbsp of orange juice
3 tbsp of honey
salt and pepper to taste 
3 tbsp of "EVOO"in the words of Rachael Ray!
whisk dressing all together and drizzle over salad.
Slice some chicken on top to complete this perfectly healthy salad

Your quoted message for the day
 “It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not.”
André Gide, Autumn Leaves

Saturday 22 December 2012

Festive Cranberry Salad

Slice red onion
peal oranges
toss greens with dried cranberries
toasted candied pecans  you can buy in the bulk section at the store
if you want to make them yourself.
Heat a pan up with a 2 tbsp of butter sprinkle some brown sugar
about 3 tbsps in the pan. Toast pecans in pan with butter and brown sugar
for about 3 minutes. Cool on wax paper and season with salt and pepper.

Toss all together with greens and your favorite dressing,
dressing suggestions
Kraft poppy seed

Crumbled goat cheese is really nice on the salad if you like it
Or make your own
1 tbsp of dijon mustard
1/4 cup of orange juice
1 tsp of garlic
1 tsp of salt
2 tsp of honey
1 tsp of pepper
1 cup of extra virgin olive oil
blend with a hand held mixer

Wednesday 14 November 2012

Eating Healthy Made Easy!

My healthy dinner is as easy as 1 2 3 4

1 boil some noodles, season with salt and pepper and a little butter and sour cream

2 Steam some asparagus

3 Grill some all ready marinated chicken from your super market.

4 Make a healthy salad with a bag of mixed greens, top with slivered almonds, diced
 cucumber,  sun dried tomatoes and your favorite dressing. Add some
herb goat cheese if you like it.

I love to make my own marinades for chicken but I am never afraid  to use the all ready
packaged chicken that has been marinated already. It's always great if you can make you dinner prep time a lot shorter so you can actually relax after your long day at work or taking care of your home and children.

Next day cooking tip

If you have some whole wheat tortillas and you need lunch to take to work, slice
up some of that chicken form the night before and fill your wrap with the chicken and
leftover salad. Drizzle some dressing and roll it up in some plastic wrap and there you go you
have a healthy lunch for work.  

Thursday 25 October 2012

My Asian Chicken Stir Fry Recipe

I love to make a stir fry for dinner, because you only have to use one pan, and that really helps with
clean up. I love a good stir fry because they taste great and they are so good for you!

In a pan or wok if you have one, add
1 tbsp of vegetable oil or try using the new health trend of coconut oil.
2 tbsp of minced ginger and garlic in a jar, if you don`t feel like chopping garlic and ginger yourself. I like to use the ginger garlic that is all ready minced and ready to go.
1 tbsp of red chilies if you like a little heat, I sure do!
dice 1 onion add to pan or wok, stir fry until onions are softened.
Dice 3 chicken breasts and add to pan, cook until no more pink.
Now add a bag of Asain frozen vegetables if you are tired and don`t feel like slices up you own. I actually like to use the frozen vegetables better.

 Now it`s time to be creative with sauces!
I love going down the ethnic isle at the grocery store and
checking out all the different sauces. It`s good to try new
ones because may never know it until you try and you might love it.
For this stir fry
use 1 cup of any brand name teriyaki sauce, just make sure it`s nice and thick.
1 cup of hosisen sauce
half a bottle of sweet chili sauce.

Once all your sauces are in the pan with your chicken and vegetables, stir fry for about 5 minutes
until stir fry is nice sticky and glossy.

Serve over rice and top with sesame seeds. Try adding  diced pineapple to this to make it a Hawaiian stir fry. Be creative with new flavors don`t be scared to add whatever sauces you like. No matter how you make it I am sure you will love it!!

Monday 22 October 2012

Me and my sister Aleyse

I look at this picture and can't believe how time has gone by so fast. I remember
My sister Aleyse and I having our little lunches together. I am so thankful to my mom for how she always took the time to make are lunches so special. Our favorite lunch was always cucumber or turkey  whole grain buns. To this day that is comfort food to Aleyse and I. I think it's funny because it is so simple but it tasted so good, I think it is the way our mom made it with such love and care that made  it and everything  taste so good.  I am really thankful to have such wonderful childhood memories.When we are young we may not be aware of what are parents do for us and how they make are lives so special just by doing the simple things like making a picnic for us to have. When you go out of your way for children when they are young, they truly will always remember those little things you did. Life really is made up with all those little special thing anyway. Sometimes we are creating memories and we aren't even aware of it until we look back and reflect  on how we miss those days. My niece is growing up very fast and we are getting to do all those fun things we did growing up with her now. Children are so special and they really know how to make life seem so much sweeter in the simplest ways.