The KinderGarden Chef Andrea

Sunday 9 September 2012

My favorite health food and some facts about them


I love Silver Hills bread! Ever sense I have cut gluten out of my diet I feel a whole lot better! I don't think being gluten free is that difficult for any of us considering how much gluten free products are out there right now. One thing is to realize though is don't just buy everything just because it says gluten free on it, just because it says it's gluten free doesn't mean it's good for you. For example a box of gluten free granola bars can sometimes have more sugar or other things you don't need but it will be marketed as something you think you need because it says gluten free on it. My tip is when shopping for groceries try to pick items out that are one ingredient foods, you shouldn't have to read any list of ingredients on it. For example, oats, fish, oranges, apples, rice, blueberries, nuts. Most of best things for our bodies are just one ingredient.

Oats, extremely good for you and your brain function

Oranges, so good for your immune system, believe it or not the skin on an orange can kill cancer cells in your stomach. The little burn you taste from the skin of an orange peel it what our bodies need to burn cancer cells and protect us from letting cancer cells grow.
Chocolate, my favorite thing!!!
I love chocolate I always have ever sense I was little it has been my favorite thing! I have always loved dark chocolate because I really love that bitter taste! I love hearing how good dark chocolate is for you and that just a few pieces a day can really help protect your heart and satisfy your sweet tooth without feeling guilty.  It has to be at least 70 % dark though, I like 85-90 %, the darker the better!   

Natural fats, avocados, nuts, extra virgin olive oil, banana, tuna
 they are all good for you! Natural fat will help you burn more fat and satisfy you so you won't have as many cravings. The next time you make a salad add some tuna, chop up some avocado on it sprinkle some nuts on top and make a dressing out of extra virgin olive oil. You won't believe how satisfied you will feel after you eating your salad.

Ginger, cinnamon and turmeric, my favorite spices!
I love to grate ginger into my tea, it not only helps digestion it builds your immune system and we can all use that going into the fall and winter season!   

Cinnamon helps regulate your blood sugar and contributes to fighting caner cells.

Turmeric, it helps reduce inflammation in your body and is extremely  high in antioxidants. 

Gogi berries,
I absolutely love them! They are know for treating diabetes, hypertension, malaria, fever, cancer and other ailments. They have more beta carton than carrots do. I love putting them on my oatmeal, they taste like a raisin but they more bitter.

Anything coconut! You see coconut every where these days. You can now have coconut water anywhere you go! I have seen a lot more coconut advertised in store more than ever! I just tried coconut yogurt and I love it! I was really enjoying Greek yogurt but until I tried this I don't think I will ever go back to dairy yogurt.  Coconut is packed with potassium, fiber and lots of nutrients are bodies need.

I hope I was able to offer some insight on how simple it is to be healthy just by adding some of these healthy foods and spices to your diet each day.  

Sincerely Andrea

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