The KinderGarden Chef Andrea

Saturday 25 February 2012

Food for thought

I don't know about any of you but I feel like life is flying by so fast. It seems like all we are ever doing is rushing around and trying to meet some dead line. It scares me how when life gets to busy we tend to forget to stop and enjoy our life and the special moments in our day to day routine. I am grateful for the people in my life that remind me of what life is really about. The people in my life, my family are my reminders of how blessed I am to be able to come home to people that love me and make me feel like I don't have to be anything more than what I am for them to enjoy me and appreciate me just the way I am. I always try to make sure to make the time for their needs and be there for them because it is our relationships in life that make our life has good has it is. This world wants us to think that it is money success and status that is going to make us happy.We put so much effort in striving so hard to achieve all the worlds demands that in doing so you might be sacrificing spending time and putting into what really matters and that is our families  and others that we care care about. I find if you make the time for others they will make the time for you. The way I treat people and take care of them is what I want to be remembered for not how successful I am.

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