The KinderGarden Chef Andrea

Wednesday 17 December 2014

Creating healthy foods with some really amazing children

 My new clients Brayden and Kayla

I can't even express how blessed  I feel to have met their mother Kate at my work one day and very quickly we became very good friends all over talking about nutrition and our faith. Kate is an amazing woman who I truly admire for what a good person and mother she is!  She is truly an angel who is so kind and so loving! She wanted help with getting her children to get more involved in the kitchen cooking healthier snacks and creating nutritious meals at dinner time. One of Kate's issues was not having time after work to prepare a healthy meal for the family and not knowing what to make that the whole family would like. I was so excited to tell Kate that I would totally be up to helping her and her kids to get cooking some really tasty healthy meals. I met her beautiful children and instantly felt a connection to them. We had so much fun cooking and creating together!! Kate the mother was so pleased to see her kids having fun chopping vegetables sauteing and preparing a lasagna and salad for their family to enjoy for dinner. When dad  got home from a long day at work to come home to a happy family with dinner in the oven a happy mom and excited kids, he had  such a look of peace. Kate told me she never even has time to set and actually eat with the family because she is so busy cleaning up and getting everything organized. I felt bad to hear that and I am  doing my very best to train the children to help clean as they cook so the kitchen isn't a big mess that no one wants to even try to clean up. Cleaning as you go, washing pots, rinsing dishes and loading the dishwasher before dinner can actually create a calmer dinner time. This family is truly special to me, I am so thankful to heart that they are enjoying the recipes from my cook book and getting excited to help prep and prepare meals that are really good for them. So far we have made lasagna, salad, smoothies, granola yogurt cups and zucchini grilled cheese. Our next task is going to be my famous salsa chicken and my veggie vegan brownies. For any of you who are struggling with finding the time to create healthy meals and having trouble getting their children to eat their vegetables then I am you girl. I can help and I actually love to teach families of how easy and how tasty it can be to eat clean and healthy. It is pretty cool how God puts the right people into your path at the right time. This family has blessed me because I am getting to share my passion in a way that is providing some useful tools to help them. I have made some new friends that have touched my life in a very special way!!

Kayle doesn't actually like vegetables too much yet it was pretty funny because Kate her mom told me of how Kayle wasn't sure she would like the lasagna that was packed with veggies. When she served her self a big slice and enjoyed all of it Kate was pretty happy about that!!

Both Brayden and Kayle love smoothies so making some smoothies and freezing them for the week got them pretty excited!! It's cool to look into your freezer and find treats that are actually good for you and they taste amazing!!

Getting your kids helping with meal time is the best thing you can do! It helps you and it teaches them some really valuable life tools that they will use their whole life.

2 cups of oats
1/2 cup of brown sugar
1 tsp of cinnamon
1/2 cup of slivered almonds
1/2 cup of dried cranberries
measure in a bowl 

 in a pot heat
3 tbsp of honey
3 tbsp of coconut oil
1 tsp of vanilla 
pour over dry ingredients

spread on a cookie sheet and bake for 8 minutes at 325
cool and store into containers
make your own yogurt cups
pomegranate seeds on the bottom or berreis
Greek yogurt and then in a sepearte container fill with your granola for the perfect snack.
Kids love creating their own snacks especially this one!